Other Meters

This version was written specifically for my Metex meters.

As distributed, the program may not work with some other brands, but probably can be adapted easily. If you are a programmer, or have one in hand, the only place changes should be needed is in the SUB GetMV.

I will attempt to add support for other meters to the program if I am provided with some necessary information.

If your meter manual includes sample BASIC code, please send it along. The following program is an example of a GW BASIC program that gets a single reading from the Metex meter:

10 OPEN "COM1:600,N,7,2,RS,CS,DS,CD" AS #2

20 A$ ="D"

30 PRINT #2, A$

40 IN$= INPUT$(14,#2)


60 CLOSE #2

70 END

I may also be able to use other information on your meter which may be in the following general format:

Communication Parameters:

Transmission rate : 600 baud

Character coding : 7 bit ASCII

Parity : None

Stop Bits : 2

Data Format:

The data format consists of frame of 14 bytes.

The frames are set as follows

BYTE) 123456789ABCDE

Example 1) D C - 3 9 9 . 9 m V CR

Example 2) 0 H 3 9 . 9 9 M O h m CR

Data request is ASCII character "D"

If you send me information, I will try to get a modified version to you quickly, but be advised that I am sometimes away from home for three or four weeks at a time.