The WurliTzer Collection
To support the new MIDI interface for the OSI Strasse Orgel
I have edited
over 50 tunes scanned from Wurlitzer 125 and 150 scale rolls.
Terry Smythe, of Winnipeg, Canada runs the large Archive of
Piano Music Rolls in Midi Format at
This has about 5300 .MID files of piano rolls
released before 1928. There are about 200 Wurlitzer 125 and
150 band
organ tunes on this site at
The majority of the tunes enjoyed a relatively brief popularity, but in
the collection I found a good number of "International Standards" and
"American Classics" which I wanted to add to my music library for our
OSI organ.
Because I did extensive editing on the
files, I hold a copyright to the 20er versions. Terry Smythe has a
copyright interest in the roll scan files and has maked them "Not for
Commercial Use" while freely sharing them. I will follow his lead and
share my work without charge. Feel
free to play or punch them on your own organ, but do not
distribute them to others.
I work using the "true" Carl
Frei scale starting with a bass F (MIDI #053) and rising to a D (MIDI
#086). Some other 20er
arrangers, or punching services, use shifted/transposed scales.
(or Right-Click) here to
download a .ZIP file of the collection at no charge.